Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Empty Kailua Kona

Empty Kailua Kona April 2020

I dropped my car at the shop in the industrial area and decided to walk home through town instead of bothering Linda to leave work and give me a ride home.

I realized how empty downtown Kailua was by the time I got to the pier and decided to take photos with my phone and document the virus/government imposed ghost town views.

This had better end shortly or these empty restaurants and shops will not be able to reopen, maintenance of them will eventually lapse, entropy will set in and this wonderful little town will turn into a ghetto.

They need to allow businesses to reopen. Let people become exposed to the virus. Those who are the most at risk due to their age or underlying conditions should stay away. Those who have not already, will get the virus and either not even know they have it and become immune or will get ill and recover as is happening to 98% of them. 

Once a significant portion of the population, I've read 60%, have been exposed and gained immunity from the virus the spread of it will end due to lack of new hosts.

The results of this current policy, should it go on for an extended period, will will be far worse than the risk of the number of people becoming sick. With peoples businesses folded , careers derailed, homes lost, dreams shattered and homelessness and poverty increased, the deaths due to drug abuse, alcoholism, depression, despair driven violence and suicide will far out pace those saved by this imposed shutdown if it is allowed to go on indefinitely. 

It needn't happen.

The exact danger to the health of the people of Hawaii if we reopen is uncertain, the danger to longterm lives of those people is certain if the shutdown continues much longer. 

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